Select Investment Plan

One-off payment

Starting from $10

billed only once

  • Invest the amount you are comfortable with
  • Payments can be done as many times as needed

Monthly payments

Starting from $10

billed monthly

  • Payments are done automatically every month
  • Get notified if not enough balance
  • Agreement can be cancelled at any time

You asked, we answered!

How much savings should I have to start investing?

As little as $10 will suffice, but the more you invest the better outcomes can be expected. However, you should avoid investing all of your savings at once.

Am I guaranteed to gain profit from my investments?

No, it is not always the case. Stock market often has price fluctuations in it, so at times you may observe your money being lost. But in the long run most diversified investments tend to pay off.

What happens to money that I invest?

With this money we buy stocks for you. By pre-selecting companies that are perspective and sustainable we can expect that these stocks will grow in value. As value of stocks change, you can see your invested money changing its value as well.

How can I get my money back after investing it?

When you decide to terminate investment, you can simply sell the stocks that you have so far. Amount of money you get back depends on value of stocks at that time.